C. Rawson
a San Francisco native, is the
principal of R&R
Ventures, a venture development
group promoting financial advisory
through his extensive network
of strategic alliances, business
development, and funding relationships
for high growth businesses. He
has worn many hats throughout
his 30 year career as a serial
entrepreneur, including 25 years
as owner, manager and President
of R. C. Rawson Co., a family
business in international plastics
manufacturing, and distribution.
He also is a thought leader in
issues of consumer payments (credit,
debit, smart-chip, wireless mobile,
pre-paid), and has worked with
clients such as American Express,
Bank of America, Visa International,
MasterCard, and Chevron USA.
is an expert in the software,
hardware and alternative energy
industries. He has more than 25
years in marketing, finance and
global operations experience for
large and small companies. He
is a serial entrepreneur with
four startups in the last twelve
years and has a strong operational
and executive level experience
that spans many venture capital
funded start-ups, ‘dotcoms’,
mergers and acquisitions and large
multi-national companies. Rafael
is currently a principal at R&R
Ventures, advising companies in
business and financial strategies.
Prior to R&R, Rafael was a
partner at Woodside Capital Partners,
an investment bank in Silicon
Valley for M&A transactions
in the technology industry. Before
that, he held the COO position
for Blue Bamboo, a Shanghai-based
electronics payments company.
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